Studying in Dubai

The good reasons to study in Dubai

Why study in the United Arab Emirates?

Studying in Dubai: Succeeding in your orientation or reorientation and launching your career successfully begins with well-informed choices. Studying in the UAE will allow you to evolve in a country that is both forward-looking and proud of its traditions and Arab culture.

The United Arab Emirates, located on the eastern part of the Arabian Peninsula, stretches along part of the Gulf of Oman and the southern coast of the Persian Gulf. Traditionally a rich oil country, in the past decade, the United Arab Emirates, especially Dubai, has begun a transition towards a knowledge-based economy. Consequently, the UAE has started to reform its education system, including higher education. Indeed, the United Arab Emirates can boast of seeing the number of foreign students increase every year, which perfectly illustrates the level of achievement in higher education in the country. Among the programs offered, we find business, information technology, commerce, marketing, and management, to name just a few of the most popular ones.

The UAE has 116 higher education institutions, including 3 public institutes and around 30 international branches of universities from all over the world. The programs offered are fully approved and accredited by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of the United Arab Emirates. Moreover, courses are taught exclusively in English, which is an asset for anyone dreaming of an international career!

You can enroll at any time of the year at universities in the UAE. Each university has its own registration dates. There are 3 study sessions in the United Arab Emirates:

• Fall session • Winter session • Summer session To study in the UAE, it is not necessary to master English as it can be studied once you are there.

The higher education system is quite similar to that of the United States.

For degrees, there are Academic programs, Bachelor’s Degrees, and Master’s Degrees.

Bachelor’s Degree (License) A degree obtained after four years of study after high school.

Master’s Degree A degree obtained after two years, usually after obtaining a Bachelor’s Degree.

Academic Programs A certificate obtained after 8 months of training + 4 months of internship with or without high school diploma (Intermediate English Language).

Pour la préparation du dossier et pour une inscription assuré et Visa garanti Hihi Consulting vous assiste avec une procédure faisable simple et rapide vous n’avez qu’à préparer les documents suivants et les envoyer

Les documents à fournir :
• 2 copies des trois premières pages du passeport
• 2 photos
• 2 copies du baccalauréat
• 2 copies des relevés de notes (5eme, 6eme et bac)
• 2 copies de la licence(ou équivalent) pour les postulants aux études supérieures
• 2 copies du relevé de notes du diplôme

*Notez bien que ces documents fournis doivent être légalisées depuis le Tribunal, le Ministère de l’Extérieur et l’ambassade d’EAU